Donating Materials

Your contributions are welcome . . . and needed. Pickup of items is available, and every donation helps toward providing adequate housing to those in need.

To make a donation, drop it by the store, or call the ReStore at (334) 792-8453 to arrange for pickup. We can schedule pick up your donation Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Donation guidelines are strict, appliances must be complete and in 100% working order. Dishwashers must be less than 5 years old, and all other appliances less than 10. Other items must be in good shape, and in useable sizes. For example, pipe must be at least 5′ in length. Plywood and sheetrock must be at least ½  sheets; lumber in full lengths, carpet unstained — and no shag carpet. For details on the guidelines, see our donations criteria page.

Please call for pick-ups @ 699-1570.